‘Snowkiting’ video takes a viewer flying, wins HD camera from Swany Gloves for its creator

Congratulations to Jon McCabe,  the latest winner in our Swany Outdoor Adventures Video Contest. His winning video finds Jon doing something no contest winner has ever done: Snowkiting.

Since he’s a monthly winner, Jon will receive a Tachyon OPS HD camera to make his next video. This great camera offers superb resolution, time-lapse photography, a powerful battery and simple one-button operation. Learn more about Tachyon.

In his own words: “I am originally from West Virginia and started skiing between my Dad’s legs at Snowshoe Mountain when I was 3 years old.  After high school I moved to Boulder (Colo.) and went to school at the University of Colorado, where I joined the freestyle ski team.

“After a trip to Maui I saw the potential of kites and bought a small one to play around with in Colorado.  I learned about this sport called snowkiting that was starting in Breckenridge, which uses kites to pull people up mountains, across lakes and doesn’t create any negative effects to our environment.  I was sold when I found out  a ski lift could fit in my backpack!  I can now be found traveling to backcountry locations all over the World in search of the perfect conditions. The video was shot just south of Jackson Hole in the Hobacks as well as the Manti National Forest of of Skyline Drive in Utah.

“Once you get the kite dialed in then you can go up mountains while harnessing the wind and all kinds of possibilities exist from there.  (Visit Jon’s website to learn more.)”

Have a video that you’d like to enter? Just upload it to the likes of YouTube or Vimeo, then send us the URL at swanygloves@gmail.com. That’s all there is to it! Complete rules here.

  • The season’s first winner, Cameron Little, captured a powder day at Apex Mountain Resort. Watch
  • Dan Malone tore it up at Vail. Watch
  • A. J. Scolaro and friends rode the rails at Mount Snow, Vt. Watch
  • Benton Inscoe had a blast skiing Wolf Creek in Colorado after a powder dump. Watch.
  • Nate Smilanic went flying on his snowboard at Winter Park. Watch.
  • Leroy Maarhuis hit it hard in the powder at Whitewater in British Columbia. Watch.
  • Brian Hopper and his friends tore it up at Whistler. Watch.

Take a look at last season’s winners in the  Swany Outdoor Adventure Video Contest, ranging from the aerial acrobatics of Bobby Brown to daring mountain rescues.

Swany Gloves is dedicated to bringing you the best of outdoor adventure. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter.

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